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At Magic, we promote continuous improvement in sustainability under the motto Making a magic place. We are committed to a responsible and sustainable activity and therefore we are eliminating single-use plastics in our accommodations.

In our accommodation, we have reusable polycarbonate cups:

  1. Buy your glass through this page. Click on the REQUEST NOW button.
  2. Enter your identification data: room number and name.
  3. Select the number of reusable cups you need. Each cup can be rented for a deposit of 1€. If you return the cup, the deposit amount will be refunded.
  4. Then enter your credit card details. The payment is completely secure. You will be charged the amount corresponding to your order.
  5. Go to any bar and ask for your cup, indicating your room number.
  6. The next step is the most important: Enjoy your drink!
  7. You can return the cup at any bar at any time, and indicate your room number for the refund of the deposit to your bank account.

          The refund of the deposit may take several days depending on your bank. 

 With this measure, we prevent more than 3 million products such as bottles, cups and straws from ending up in the oceans every year and thousands of kilos of CO2 (produced by manufacturing these single-use plastic materials) from being emitted.

Say goodbye to plastic! Thank you for your support and for keeping the planet clean